Astrology is like Gravity. You don't have to Believe in it for it to be working in your life.


Vastu :

Vastu shastra  is a traditional Hindu system of architecture, which literally translates to "science of architecture”. Vastu is a part of Vedas, which are believed to be four to five thousand years old. The art of Vastu originates in the Stapatya Veda, a part of the Atharva Veda. Vastu Shastra unifies the science, art, astronomy and astrology, it can also be said as an ancient mystic science for designing and building.

Vastushastra is an ancient building science which covers the philosophy and theory of Architectural works to construct any building and as well as living style of people. It is based on the five basic and essential elements, such as Vayu (air), Agni (fire), Jal (water), Bhumi (earth) and Aakash (sky), which are known as Panchabhutas. Everything on earth is built from these elements. Vastu is an ancient Indian science of architecture and buildings which helps in making a congenial setting or a place to live and work in a most scientific way taking advantage of the benefits bestowed by nature, its elements and energy fields for enhanced wealth, health, prosperity and happiness.

According to its modern meaning it covers all buildings irrespective of their use like residences, industries, business , hospitals, Schools, hotels etc. Vastushastra as such is a concept relating to consumers energy received as solar, lunar energy, planet's energy, energy from constellations, from velocity, fusion, radiation, interaction, gravitation, magnetism and other astronomical phenomena. Ancient Indians believed that investing energy into the plot of land may yield bliss, prosperity and peace of mind, happiness, marital bliss, children's happiness and wealth. Execution of Vastu rules during construction involves use of conservation of energy, solar power, lunar power, geothermal power, electro magnetic forces.

A Vastu house is aimed at creating wealth,  health,  child education, child development, harmony bliss, temperamental control, Job Promotion, business development, social work, relations and respectable life.


Vastu for Home- Residential Vastu

Vastu for Corporates- Commercial Vastu

Vastu Visit Consultation-

During Vastu Visit Consultation, Our Experts provide necessary suggestions pertaining to the site, plot etc. with full scrutiny and examination. The Services  which we provide to our clients includes  Residential Vastu which includes Plot, House, Villa, Flat, Apartment and Commercial Vastu  which includes Shop, Showroom, Office, Factory, Hotel, Restaurant, School, College, Hospital etc. 

Vastu visit consultation includes site visit, analyzing typography,  examining directions and environment and find out the defects. The benefits of onsite consultation are exclusively for owner and architect who can interact deeply about their plot in order to get maximum benefits.

Vastu Online Consultation-

Vastu Consultation via online is another part of consultation ideal for people who  are living far flung areas and especially for international clients. This is an exclusive opportunity for them  to stay in touch with our vastu expert for any query. The Services  which we provide to our clients includes  Residential Vastu which includes Plot, House, Villa, Flat, Apartment and Commercial Vastu  which includes Shop, Office, Showroom, Factory, Hotel, Restaurant, School, College, Hospital etc.

 In this. Client has to send their site maps along with the position of the directions  via email. Our vastu expert study the site map and contact with the concerned person either call or email. Then after a detailed Vastu  report  is sent to the client with marked directions and implication of remedies of the plot.


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Our Services

Premium Pandit Ji

Bhavishya Vichar offers Premium Pandit service for Foreigners, NRIs, Corporates, Politicians, Bureaucrats, Doctors, Renowned Person and Celebrities. Our Premium Pandits are highly qualified, practiced, experienced and also able to speak English very...

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Live Consultation

Bhavishya Vichar offers Online Consultation Service through live chat with our Astrologers for your any kind of problem at any...

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Pandit Ji on Call

Bhavishya Vichar offers Pandit Ji on Call service for finding Pandit Ji for any Karmakand/Pooja Program during working hours by simply doing a...

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Pooja for Corporates

Bhavishya Vichar offers Pooja for Corporates Service for the Corporates for increasing their turnover, increasing their brand value, increasing productivity & efficiency of their employees, maintaining the healthy environment, rapid growth and...

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